Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Broken Icicle

A broken icicle fell in the dark part of town.
No one was there to see it.
There was no one around to tell you if it made a sound when it fell from the gutter and onto the pavement.
There was no prom queen on hand to read you her acceptance speech - and there was no homecoming king waiting for his coronation before his classmates.
Like it or not, there was nobody standing at the window across the street reading Shakespeare to loved ones.
Not even a crow flying overhead, dreaming about the way things used to be, was on hand to witness to this event.
No sir, there was nothing... there was no one.
Just a broken icicle that fell from a roof, in the dark part of town.

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand this poem. Please talk more about sports, or maybe the days of the honest rock throwing.
