Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Razz on the Blink

The women sitting next to me on the flight today breast fed her baby all the way to New England. It took me a second to realize what was going on, because she seemed so fucking nonchalant sitting there with this budging blanket held in her arms.
She told me that she had named the baby Rex, after the mighty dinosaur T-Rex - or maybe she said it was after the band of the same name. Either way I couldn't think of a better way for little Rex to spend a Saturday afternoon flying the friendly skies.
I dosed off after the the in-flight beverage service. It was only a few minutes later that I woke up to the woman leaning over me, still holding Rex. She brought her face close to mine and whispered something that sounded like, 'I think I thought I saw you try... to lead the pack.'
I didn't have the strength to respond so I shrugged and closed my eyes. Come to think of it I think the baby’s name was actually ‘Razz’ - as in, “Shut the fuck up Razz, I’m trying to not have a panic attack.”

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