Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mexican Jerk Sesh

I sat on a stool smoking cigarettes and listening to Kelly Cree drone on about how the wind changes so quickly in our hearts. It drives me hot and crazy just to look at her, but it is the listening that I struggle with. Her endless flow of words that twist and wreak havoc on my mind. It won’t be long now until my fluttering heart explodes below my lungs and I cram my swollen salty tongue into her mouth, violently flicking away. People say I must have been totally voodoo’d to go out with a chick like Kelly - but what the fuck do they know anyhow? Sure she has my balls resting securely in her iron vice... her delicate hand on the crank. But who would trade waking up everyday next to this creature? Who would give up that intimate feeling? Not so unlike the carcinogenic smoke from every cigarette ever lit, instantly flooded into your lungs - that one deep breath, all consuming and shrouding the world in ultimate choking darkness.

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