Thursday, June 14, 2012

Breaking Away

I rose in silence - I didn’t want to wake the pooch. She’d want to go out and bark. Lord knows I didn’t need that kind of aggravation this late at night. I crept across the bedroom, stepping on an old Gold Toe that I had been using as a J-rag for the past however many weeks. The pathetic cloth crumpled under foot and clung to my heel for a few seconds until I shook it off. Once downstairs, I fumbled through the cupboards until I found what I was looking for - After Eights. The sweet chocolaty delight I have cherished since my youth. I sat in the moonlit breakfront inhaling those minty chocolate squares. With the box half-eaten and my heart fluttering beyond control - I thought about Little Suzy - more specifically her uncanny ability unlock my boners full potential. Would she ever deliver on the promise of love she made so many moons ago? Or will she continue to torment my moistened dreams? The prospect of either scenario coming to pass elevated my spirit as I praised the newfangled glory of my very own lost generation.

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