Thursday, January 24, 2008

Nostradamus at the Omega Gates

Nostradamus stands before the Omega Gates in hopes to reveal the secrets locked within the ancient Saharan walls. His skilled hands recording every last detail that is etched into the sandstone.

The desert winds lash about his feet - still he remains set in his task.
A direct beam of light shines upon him. He shields his eyes from the blinding rays.
Suddenly, a vulture cries over head... CAAWWW! Then defecates all over his person - ruining his ancient parchment and aristocratic robes.

Even the great seer Nostradamus, who could predict many things; never saw this one coming.


  1. John this one is really good. I mean what can I see man. He never saw it coming.

  2. The lesson learned here is that no matter who you are, or what you are, you can always get shit on.
